This is a private event for the Burner Community
Check out the 12 princicples of Burning Man if you think you belong.
Description of event:
It's time for another get together to mark... Uh, the end of Summer? The long difficult march into the darkness? All the upcoming indoor activities? Regardless, we're going to have this one outside! It's cold you say? Never mind that, we have a sauna! Too hot in the sauna you say? Never mind that, we have a harbor to jump into!
This will be a potluck dinner, so bring your best culinary self-expression to gift.
For this one to work, we're borrowing some outdoor pavilions and the like from Gearbox. If you have an extra bit of time and communal effort in you, we can definitely use your help to make this weekday garden party happen by helping carry stuff forth, setting stuff up, and carrying it back again. If you have ideas on how to make it extra hygge, please comment!
Sign up via the Facebook event!