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Winter Solstice

  • JUST SAUNA Bådehavnsgade 53 Sydhavnen Denmark (kort)

Winter Solstice event w. Martin Esteban

Facebook event here

At the 21st of December we're gathering at JUST SAUNA to celebrate the winter solstice.

Through thousands of years Scandinavian and Nordic pagan cultures have celebrated the solstice. They celebrated the shortest day of the year and the return of the light after a six month cycle where it's slowly dissappeared on us.

We're gonna take up that tradition once again and meet and the beautiful Stejlepladsen. It might appeal to those of us who might don't feel like endulging in the conventional race of Christmas and New Years but also to those who want to welcome in peace and for and by them selves, whom ever you are, you're hereby invited to come and celebrate the lights coming.

We're gonna meet in the heat, ground ourselves, let go of what wasn't beneficial for us in the last sun cycle, stay with what we can't let go of and the set a new intention for the forthcoming cycle.

Please bring a pen and paper, candle and a glass jar. Remember bathing slippers or shoes, bathrobes or other warm clothing for in between sauna rounds and of course a big towel.

PLEASE REMEMBER: Only entry with a negative test or corona passport.

19. december

Sunday Sauna Aufguss

21. december

Tuesday Sauna Aufguss